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Vegetarianism seems ridiculous to me. Meat is very healthy for you and will keep you full for hours. I don't know why you would demean yourself to eating leaves when there are so many great steaks, hot wings, and kebabs out there.
i'll take fruits and veggies to steak any day

some slaughtering methods are also inhumane
I am sorry, but I must have my meat. I love fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, watermelon, honeydew, oranges, lemons, etc. but I also love my grilled burgers, steak (every once in a while), Chicken breast, pork chops, and meat tacos. I prefer a balance of both, but I like my meat. I also like milk, and other dairy products. So it doesn't matter to me what anyone else is because I'm not the one eating the way they are. So my thoughts on vegetarians: whatever you eat, you eat. But I must have my meat :)
I see it as a lifestyle choice, and simply that. Both my aunt and uncle are vegetarian and are able to enjoy themselves all the same. Of course, they need to take protein supplements, although if I was forced into being a vegetarian I would not mind all that much. I find, as stated, many of the techniques used by cattle farmers to kill members of the herd very inhumane.

As far as the meat argument goes, yes, meat is healthy. However, eating a good portion of red meat can severally raise your chances of a heart-attack, which my uncle's brother *my mother's brother's step brother* found out too late dying at the age of 46 from a red meat related heart condition.
I must have meat, but I also eat a lot of vegies and fruits (I have about 6 Glasses of OJ a day and LOVE Pineapple). I respect others ideals of not eating meat.

Oh, and by the way ...

about the tofu, many vegetarians eat it because it is packed with protien.
I'm thinking of becoming one because of cruelty and such, i absolutly love chicken, that will be kind of hard to give up

the reason i love chicken is silly though:
since chicken really doesnt have much of its own flavor, i drown it in a sauce that i love. that way, im not just getting a bowl of sauce and eating it with a spoon :D
that was kind of off topic.

anyway, its not like i'd hate people for eating meat, like some people, its their choice -_-
I think that vegetarianism is okay in principle, but some of the justifications are overblown. It's one thing to become a vegetarian because you believe that killing animals for meat is wrong, and I respect that desicion. On the other hand, if your sole reason for going without meat is to protest slaughtering conditions, just abstain from certain companies; don't hurt the few that actually go the extra mile to preserve humaneness (Or is that humanity? No, that's something completely different...)

I know this place in uptown Manhattan that makes a leek and tofu soup that's to die for; not all tofu tastes like cardboard. :D
of course i dont like slaughtering of animals, but hunting, killing, fishing, etc has never appealed to me and it just kind of seems inhumame to me to just go out and kill animals for food and such

and tofu can be good, theres a meatless lasagna dish that i really like, with tofu with heavy seasoning replacing the meat. it taste just like lasagna
I don't like meat all that much but it is healthy and i honestly could care less about animals getting slaughter...
heh... my friend went vegan a while ago and he was fine until one day he threw up all over our districts elementary school and so his mom made him go back to meat.
But as an animal owner and i do love my animals I would find it hard to raise a cow then kill and eat it (hey who's for dinner tonight? Bessy!) no i can't eat it if I knew the animal.
But as an animal owner and i do love my animals I would find it hard to raise a cow then kill and eat it (hey who's for dinner tonight? Bessy!) no i can't eat it if I knew the animal.
Why not? You're raising it for the sole purpose of eating or selling it.
I would become attected to the animal and when i had to get rid of my old horse bazooka because he went crazy and tried to kill people it was very hard to give him back to the rescue place and he didn't even look back to say good bye after a year of being with each other lossing someone or something close to you hurts. Not counting chickens i would feel no mercy towards slaying them hence why OoT is my fav. game ever
meat=no no
windmage is a vegetarian ^^

more for health reasons now

now to go and buy the vitamins that i'll obviously have to have =/
Choosing to be a vegetarian is a tough decision. It's a choice that really tests your will power and if you can do it than I say bravo to you. I also find that some vegetarians are the nicest people I know. My assistant band director is one and everybody loves her.
I myself like meat once in a while and love my fruits and veggies, and tofu. Like Versaac said, tofu is good or bad depending on how you prepare it. Deep-fried with some soy sauce, mmm...so good.