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Recent content by Capt. Zeroth

  1. Capt. Zeroth

    Asking something...

    I wanna read them!
  2. Capt. Zeroth

    Review Super Maro Galaxy 2 Review (potential spoilers!!)

    i haven't played it yet. but my friend got it. so i guess i'll go play it. Edit: Ok, so I played a few levels of it now. Its basically SMG 1, with some slight graphical updates and new power-ups. Its still definitely lots of fun. Also, the second player is now much more useful. Instead of just...
  3. Capt. Zeroth

    Deviant flippin art! Whoooooooot!

    Whatever, link+navi Yoyolll, thats just photoshop. I googled "majora's mask", found the image, used the magic wand tool to remove the white background, and scaled it to size. For the outline, do this with the original on top of the traced image...
  4. Capt. Zeroth

    Deviant flippin art! Whoooooooot!

    Don't know who you're trying to fool, Link and Navi :/ I'd do some more comparison overlays of the detailed parts but I realized I really don't care.
  5. Capt. Zeroth

    Playstation Zelda rip off, or Sony's double of our favorite game

    I wouldn't call it shameless; I'd call it uninspired. It's definitely a homage to the Legend of Zelda, but from all I can see, there is nothing unique about it.
  6. Capt. Zeroth

    Deviant flippin art! Whoooooooot!

    You asked for it, I guess. Side by side and overlay comparison from a google image search of "majora's mask" and your sketch. The pink outlie on the right is that of the source image.
  7. Capt. Zeroth

    Deviant flippin art! Whoooooooot!

    Hmm a few of those are good, but most are blatantly traced. So... just in standard with the rest of deviant art. Sometimes I play a game where I search for a random word on deviant art (with safe search off) and see if there is any yiffie within the first 10 pages. I think I've won 2 times.
  8. Capt. Zeroth

    I'm Member Number 640!

    Im 51. Thats a good number.
  9. Capt. Zeroth

    Somewhat Controversial Explain your faith

    Thats pretty interesting. I like to toy with the idea of a Multiverse sometimes. Basically, if you can conceive it, there is a probability that an alternate universe exists. With that idea in mind, the universe that I'm in right now is likely godless. Or maybe I'm wrong. But if I'm wrong, then...
  10. Capt. Zeroth

    3D Zelda

    Well I haven't played it, so I can't say if that guy did a good job or not, but that a great idea.
  11. Capt. Zeroth

    Birthday Information: This is what I find when I'm bored

    No, its not. There are a set number of responses to birth ranges. You were probably born close to Ultima
  12. Capt. Zeroth

    Sherlock Holmes

    Here's what I thought. Being a fan of Arthur Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes, I must admit I was disappointed when I heard about this movie. What offended me most was that Holmes was going to be played as a fist-fighting James Bond type character. First off, Holmes is not a fist fighter...
  13. Capt. Zeroth

    Xbox Modern warfare 2!!!!

    Um, I don't think I've EVER seen you on, Bob.
  14. Capt. Zeroth

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    No, its not. Its simply an abbreviation with the first letter of each word. Jerks on lolly licking yule. OHHEY