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Recent content by fleur

  1. F

    Help For New User

    im on the 3rd floor of the temple of fire.i have found a panel with 4 numbers on.have been told to flip the switches in the correct order...how do i find out what the order is.and do i have to tap the screen??
  2. F

    Help For New User

    sorry...im on phantom hourglass,i have gone into the temple of fire.am in the room with 2 ghostys that suck your life out.cant kill them.there are 2 blocked up walls how do i get thru them.also there is a key floating round on the other floor but cant even access that floor.ps im a blonde girl...
  3. F

    Help For New User

    im brand new to gaming and have got zelda as my first game.im stuck in the temple of fire.cant get the key off the rat.cant even get to the rat lol