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Recent content by llemes

  1. L

    SPLASH ATTACK!!! *contains some strong language*

    lol, that was funny "This Bi*** be trippin' all up in your grill magicarp"
  2. L

    RPG Maker XP help

    I got RPG Maker XP the other day (YEAH!!!), but i can't figure out how to make a character move to a different map. can someone help me??? (if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to ,move it, didn't know where else it would go)
  3. L

    The picture game

    My dog/bush scares your cat into a coma and then eats it. http://recollectionbooks.com/bleed/images/BB/Mad_Dogs.jpg
  4. L

    The picture game

    Sora/Goofy pwns everything!
  5. L

    Life is a RPG...

    hehehe, i think of life as an RPG or adventure game all the time, lol
  6. L

    Favorate game design programs

    What are your favorite video game design program that you have used? I've used Game Maker 5 and 7 and Sphere, Game Maker 7 being my favorite.
  7. L

    Whats the Deal?

    What if someone could find a website that allowed the use of a chat room hosted by a user, and then use that?... or are you wanting it to be a direct part of Zelda Sages? (sorry if that's a stupid question)
  8. L

    The Zelda Sages RPG *A REAL RPG game too!*

    YEA!!! I have the programs game maker and sphere... they are confusing... sphere being the worst, and game maker being the less confusing. I do understand how hard it is to make a game, those programs need you to write the script out for the games to work well... guess im getting off topic...
  9. L

    Whats the Deal?

    Is there any way to create a chatroom using HTML or Java?
  10. L

    The Zelda Sages RPG *A REAL RPG game too!*

    When will the game be realesed for the rest of the site users??? or will it ever be? ...you made an entire game in a week or so???
  11. L

    Videogame failures

    The Virtual Boy Failed because it wasn't a good system and it used red and blue lines to "make" 3D graphics, but it ended up looking like crap. And like said above, it lasted a very short time in japan, and well... i guess not at all in the US :). Anyways, i'm pretty sure that the guy who came...
  12. L

    RPG Site!!

    It looks really good. The only thing i don't really like about is that the blue highlights cover up the white words and make them hard to read.
  13. L

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Exactly you say "modern day" science. Scientists can trace the creation of the universe back to about 1min. (it might be 1sec. but i can't remember :confused: ). But the point it, new technology is being devoloped all the time, and eventually, someone may discover...
  14. L

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Then where did God come from???
  15. L

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? 1.) So, that would mean that there was no God either. 2.) what you said makes no sence. 3.) The evolution of an origanism into another organism depends on food, location, climate, elavation, and the geography in that area. Just because there are humans AND...