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Recent content by lucemon

  1. L

    Tehee I am on my brothers iPhone bored at Amarillo college, I was saposed to go to the gym but...

    Tehee I am on my brothers iPhone bored at Amarillo college, I was saposed to go to the gym but shockingly they close early today. P.S. Hearts everywhere...
  2. L

    I can't wait to go to japan with you to kunoichi!!!

    I can't wait to go to japan with you to kunoichi!!!
  3. L

    Favorite Dungeon

    My favorite temple has to be stone tower temple, that place is to trippy!
  4. L

    So you weren't mad or anything, try to get your project finished monday for Short remember.

    So you weren't mad or anything, try to get your project finished monday for Short remember.
  5. L

    Whats up with yesterday you looked mad?

    Whats up with yesterday you looked mad?
  6. L

    Oh, yeah smurf that is a nice picture, representing blue!!!

    Oh, yeah smurf that is a nice picture, representing blue!!!
  7. L

    Whats overrated? what did I miss I have'nt been online for a while!

    Whats overrated? what did I miss I have'nt been online for a while!
  8. L

    Currently listening to?

    "I kissed a girl", its a funny song ifyou have'nt heard it! By Katy Perry its a funny song!
  9. L

    who's the creepy man dressed as Link?

    who's the creepy man dressed as Link?
  10. L

    Nice taste in video games

    Nice taste in video games
  11. L

    thanks, you're profile picture is also cool !

    thanks, you're profile picture is also cool !
  12. L

    How are you doing?wanna be my friend? please!

    How are you doing?wanna be my friend? please!
  13. L

    what's your favriote zelda game ever!!!!And why?

    i love that game to its awesome i only need three more masks to complete my collection
  14. L

    What exactly are you trying to do?

    What exactly are you trying to do?
  15. L

    What kind of video games do you like?

    What kind of video games do you like?