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Recent content by Princess

  1. Princess

    PC Official Zelda Sages Steam Community

    I've joined and anyone's free to add me here http://steamcommunity.com/id/gasaixyuno
  2. Princess

    Steam Community?

    Could add it as a thing to link to here and make a ZS group
  3. Princess

    Edited Skyward Sword Zelda to fit that way. I may just change it to a different one.

    Edited Skyward Sword Zelda to fit that way. I may just change it to a different one.
  4. Princess

    Suggestion for New Site

    Being like ZU, ZD, and ZI is boring. We're planning on doing something exactly like they do, but a tad different it sounds. I have not seen any live previews of the new site yet,but I am assuming it'll be changed to be able to go through the site quicker.
  5. Princess

    Skyward Sword discussion

    The music is amazing, and flying the Loftwing is a lot easier than flying that darned bird from Galaxy. -__- I am about done with the second dungeon atm, and I've had it since Tuesday.