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Recent content by Windmage

  1. Windmage

    The first 2013 Thread

    I am clearly working too much :D
  2. Windmage

    Zelda for Wii U

    Although I'm not too hopefull, I would LOVE to see the two scrubbed dungeons included in the HD release. Although...I'd have to buy a Wii U first...
  3. Windmage

    No worries. You remembered on my FB wall! Oh hey, you should translate this: "le jeu"

    No worries. You remembered on my FB wall! Oh hey, you should translate this: "le jeu"
  4. Windmage

    The first 2013 Thread

    Well, although we're already in the 2nd month of 2012, it's better late than never! I hope everyone has a great year! :)
  5. Windmage

    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Hello Mune, welcome to the ZS forums! :) Sorry this welcome is coming so very late (as the co-webmaster, shouldn't I be on top of these things?), but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy your stay here! :D
  6. Windmage

    Xbox Fable III

    So, Fable III comes out in October, I think? I never played the first one, but I have played the second one. Therefore, I'm looking forward to 3. I'm a little reluctant to trust the guy who created it, because he's promised so much in the past and failed to deliver. What do you guys think?
  7. Windmage

    Dana omg where have you been. Like srsly.

    Dana omg where have you been. Like srsly.
  8. Windmage

    School is Cruel

    As I graduated high school back in June, I now find myself 700 miles away from home in college o.o. So far, it isn't so bad. But from what I've heard, it will start getting really intense in the next few weeks or so.
  9. Windmage

    sage is back.

    Good. Welcome back to ZeldaSages :)
  10. Windmage

    "We Miss You" emails

    Recently, I got an email from another forum that I'm apart of. Haven't visited in a few months, and haven't made any posts in more than a few months. The email notified me on my lack of activity and was basically telling me that the website 'missed' my activity and invited me to come back and...
  11. Windmage

    Vacation Plans

    I'll be going to Florida on Sunday, and will be there till Friday. :)
  12. Windmage

    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was originally on the Nintendo 64. And how would remaking OoT be like making a Barney video game?
  13. Windmage

    Out of curiosity, where did you get your Ocarina?

    Out of curiosity, where did you get your Ocarina?
  14. Windmage

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Well, I must say that Nintendo gave us much more info on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword than I (or anyone, probably) expected. I mean seriously, did anyone else expect them to even give us a name for the upcoming title? For those who missed the trailer...
  15. Windmage

    Currently listening to?

    Speechless by Lady Gaga