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What are your favorite Brawl cut-scenes?


My favorites are when Diddy "convinces" Fox to help him
When Diddy "convinces" Falco to help him
When Falcon comes to help Olimar, and ends up killing almost all the Pikmin
You already said most of mine ...

When Dedede robs Wario
Dragoon vs. The Subspace Canon
When the Ice Climbers ALMOST DIED!
That pikmin one was awesome. I can imagine Olimar's expression:

And the one where they were torturing pikachu. DIE, YA LITTLE RAT
Hmm, I of course love the Captain Falcon killing the Pikmin.

The Pikachu torture scene was the only time I've EVER felt sorry for the mouse.

I loved Link's misunderstanding when Mario defeated the fake Zelda. I've never seen Link move that fast. You don't mess with an elf's woman. lol

And of course the scene with Link drawing the Master Sword was just beautifully done.

But my absolute favorite scene is on the Halberd, after Shiek and Peach escape and are on the exterior of the ship, and Fox is blasting it from his Arwing, and then Shiek just punches through the fighter's cockpit. And then they have tea!