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Sherlock Holmes


So there has been much debate and many mixed reviews about the new Sherlock Holmes Movie. I myself saw it last night and wasn't very impressed...

any thoughts?
Here's what I thought.

Being a fan of Arthur Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes, I must admit I was disappointed when I heard about this movie. What offended me most was that Holmes was going to be played as a fist-fighting James Bond type character. First off, Holmes is not a fist fighter. Holmes hires orphan boys to sneak around the alleys of harbors to slip poison into shady a nightguard's ale. Holmes drinks more. A lot. Holmes does cocaine. Lots of it.

I was expectig a shitty violent version of something genious. That being said, I rather enjoyed the movie. Downey definetly got the spirit of Holmes I think, even though he did throw in a little much of the crazy side. Watson came off great as well, and really the only thing I didn't like was Irene. Whoever played her sucks.

As for the action Holmes gets into, it wasn't too over the top, and I'm glad there were no unecessary embowelled organs or decapitations.

Really though, its a diferent Holmes, but done well enough. Original fans might be displeased, others of you worthless scum might enjoy it.

6.5/10 - It was OK. If you like the original, you're better off getting the 1939 film series which was great.
I was very pleased with it. My sibling, who is very much a fan of Sherlock Holmes was also satisfied. They said that he was much more in the character of Holmes than the other Holmes themed shows and movies that they had seen.
Sherlock Holmes is fiction so unless you're asking if he drives a Hummer, then no, it's not historically accurate.
kfjhksfhgksjhgk I guess that was kind of what I meant. I really hate it when they take books that were written in a certain time period but then the movie version is modern. That pisses me off.

Go fiction!
Downey and Law actually portrayed their characters closest to Doyle's original characters. I liked the movie, although I've seen better. Like Avatar.
So is this worth seeing or not, I want a final consensus.

And is it worth seeing more than Avatar? I have to see that too, but nobody's been available to do so...
I recently saw Avatar and thought it was extremely good, though quite a lot of propaganda was in it. If you can only see one of the two, see Avatar.
Alright, this is a Sherlock Holmes thread, not an Avatar thread. You can always make an Avatar thread if you wish to discuss it.

And I have not seen Sherlock Holmes, but it looks good. My brother saw it and said it was amazing.