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New-years eve in Iceland

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Link and Navi

Ok, I was shocked. Iceland has more fireworks than I've ever seen in one place. Reykyavik has more fireworks than I've ever seen in one place! they started randomly, lighing HUGE fireworks around ten at night, and went until FOUR IN THE MORNING! HOLY FRUIT LOOPS!!!!!! I was so tired, but it was so worth it. But! Its a small but, yet a but none the less, BUT, the fireworks could have been WAY louder. The sight was spectacular, and they had to stop numerous times cause of all the smoke in the sky:þ How was your New-years?

New years eve in Reykjavik.
thats prettymuch all you can make out, the others are full of smoke
I don't mean to sound like a skeptical and rude jerk face like yoyolll sometimes seems to be, but that doesn't look genuine. it's still cool though.
Agreed. And I don't mean to be a creepy internet stalker like ides sometimes seems to be but put up some pics of you or that you took yourself like a stupid tourist.
Yeah I did a google image search and saw the same pic. Are you really in Iceland?

Please, spell out how one pronounces "Reykjavik"

(Sorry, we are a speculative bunch.)
HAH! I knew it wasn't your picture. I'm just not as clever as windmage to look for it. Oops.

So if you're not in Iceland, then where are you? Well, nevermind that would make me more of a stalker. I want to disprove yoyolll, my best friend in the world. (HAHAHA)
Well, my mom is the one with the digital camera, look at it on facebook. Reykjavik is pronounced Ray-k-yah-vic. and I AM in Iceland.
Haha no worries everyone. Where on facebook though?

Anyway, we've just had issues in the past. We believe you now :)

That church looks pretty cool btw. Well, for a church.
Oh. Well, I have over a thousand posts and I'm still not cool. Being cool is overrated though. We users of this Zelda website ought to know that.
I think we all ought to nourish and fortify our vocabularies. I'm going to learn a new word every day. I will use the new word. All the time.
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