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School is Cruel


So, I just started up school again, and I've got to say it just stinks for me. My schedule is out of whack and my teachers are just so ANNOYING! There's also this girl that sits behind me in 3 CLASSES that keeps popping her gum!

Hopefully all of the rest of you still in school have had nicer experiences. Anyone wish to share?
As I graduated high school back in June, I now find myself 700 miles away from home in college o.o.

So far, it isn't so bad. But from what I've heard, it will start getting really intense in the next few weeks or so.
School for me is okay. I am a sophomore this year in high school trying to presue my business career. 
I am not actually in school at the moment but am going to be working full time and then going to fairrer school in january
School for me is going well. The only issue is I'm in 4 400 classes this semester, two of which are part of my major and two from my minor, so I have a great deal more to do than I did in previous semesters. I'll survive though :).
Yeah, so, School is a b***h of course. But hey, I want to be educated, so I won't really complain. I'm in college as well. First year. All female school. Ooooh yeaaaaah. Girl Power!!
Just started freshman year of college.

It's a much nicer setting over high school and so far all I can complain about is the size of my lecture class (1,000 students strong FTW!). Homework load is somewhat heavy but that was expected.
1,000 students in a single class? that seems abit unlikely are you sure

Yeah, I even went as far as triple checking the people capacity of the auditorium my lecture is in and it's 1,200 bodies. And that place is full during lecture.

And I go to a university that has close to 19,000 in attendance.
Wow, and I thought a 120 person lecture hall was bad. I had those my freshman year and they were dreadful.

School's going decent for me this semester. Of course a 13 credit load is hella easy, so I can't really complain.
then go help ypu if you have a question in that class ?!?! the professor will never see your hand

That's equal to two whole REGIMENTS of the army of the Potomac
So now that it's a couple months in, how's everyone's school year going? Mine is going pretty well. One research paper for the semester, although I have a boatload of drawings for CAD, but that's not too bad. Calc is a bit complicated, but I'm understanding it.
I'm actually doing really well, which is pretty neat because I'm in a bunch of really insane classes this semester :D. TBH though, I can't wait for Winter Break. I do constant work, which can be a real pain.
I'm out of town this past week, but leading up to this time school has gotten a bit better. My History teacher turned out to be a really cool guy instead of the tool I thought he was at the start of the year. That. and the girl that kept popping her gum dropped 2/3 classes she sits behind me in, which is really good because they were Math and Chemistry where I really need to pay attention.

I guess the only bad thing that is still happening is my grades in PE aren't all that great because I've had to miss a lot of school (like this last week). They don't count a lot of my absences as excused even though the school does, so my grade for the first MP is kinda low...I'l bring it up though overall. My GPA is still going to be a 91/100 even if I end up with the C I have in PE now because of how little it's worth.