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PC Plant


Hope Never Dies
So, I heard of this awesome development team called "Team Manatee Sandwich" who had made a game in a single weekend! Upon checking it out, I had a ton of fun playing it, and think you should all download it and try it out. There's no winning or losing the game, it just goes until you quit. Plants grow on the left half of the screen, and once full-grown (indicated by flashing), you can click them for pollen (pollen meter is the green meter in the screen), and pollen is used to grow branches on the tree on the right-half of the screen by clicking the green buds on the branches. It is also meant, as everything else is, to be accompanied by the theme of Guile from Street Fighter.


For those of you who noticed that I'm on the development team as one of the two programmers, congratulations! Plant was originally meant to be two-player where one player would choose to be the left or right half, while they could see the other player's actions on the opposite side. It was also meant to be networked, meaning played from two computers. Considering we had two programmers, and I didn't know jack about C# (This was programmed in Unity with C#), this is a flipping miracle. So have fun, save some plants, and grow your bonsai tree to be big and smexy.
Played it for a little bit, and it is a fun little game, albeit unfinished. But for the short amount of time you had to work on it, it's good.
Considering there were 2 days and one half-decent programmer, it's honestly a surprise anything was accomplished. Games these days take what, 2+ years and teams of hundreds to thousands to do?