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Search results

  1. L

    Question I can't get the Zelda Sages game to work...

    yes, i can now play. thanks ^^
  2. L

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    i was so excited about it i used some graduation money and pre-ordered it. I'm only peeved about the vague release date. Otherwise im happy to obtain another LoZ game. The graphics look cool, and since i haven't played TP on Wii yet, it should be a new experience. you can choose which hand...
  3. L

    Question I can't get the Zelda Sages game to work...

    i read the directions, went to this link http://tkool.jp/products/rpgxp/eng/rtp_download.html and it says not found. I know it's been two years since it came out. so do i download the RPG Maker or im i just out of luck?