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A New Sage in Town


The Webmaster
Not Zelda news, although still big news. Zelda Sages has officially selected the first member of our community to become a Sage, animaldude! Animaldude was selected amongst our Sages in Training, a special group of members voted into their position by their peers, after a long application process and staff voting. Read inside for more details.

A Sage on Zelda Sages is a site moderator. The duties of a Sage include moderating the forum, chatroom, and site comments. Just as well, Sages are expected to be the premiere role-model members, having been elected after years of service as a Zelda Sages community member.

Animaldude joined Zelda Sages on April 24, 2005, more than a year prior to the official launch of Zelda Sages! Since then he has been an active poster and well behaved member. Animaldude helped the staff spark several ideas which helped form Zelda Sages to be the great place it is, Animnaldude's accomplishments include being the first to reach the Knight of Hyrule rank, the first Sage in Training with almost 90% of the vote, one of the first testers of the beta chatroom, contributor to several codes and secrets sections, and one of the most active members on Zelda Sages.

Animaldude, in my opinion, will make a wonderful community moderator. Yet, even with the fancy title and badge, he is still and always will be just another great member of our community. Animaldude has never let us down before, so he won't let anyone down now :).