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August 07 SIT Vote


The Webmaster
Hey everyone, it's time again for another grand S.I.T. vote! We have two candidates running this time around for the rank, both of which can be elected, just one, or none at all :). For more information, read the announcement in the voting booth and be sure to get out and vote. Every vote counts, and can make or break someones victory!

As always, we ask you read that announcement prior to voting so you are well informed of the candidates and how to vote. We are using the same system we used last time for voting, the private forum method, as that seemed to work perfectly. It was our hope when we instituted the method it would prevent members from inflating the vote, which it proved to prevent very nicely. The polls will be open for one week, and close next Wednesday the 8th. We will announce the winner(s) if any on Thursday the 9th.

If you weren't selected this time around, don't threat, there were only two spots to begin with. If you are interested in being selected as a candidate try your best to be an active participating member of the forums. We like to select well rounded individuals for the rank, so try to spread out where you post to ;).

Anyway, get out there and vote!
I now have the results of the election. Neither candidate has lost the election before, and are therefore ineligible for any staff intervention. To be eligable to become an SIT, a candidate must receive a total of 75% or more of the votes cast. So, without further wait...

Total votes: 14
Dakare: 10 votes, 71%
SlyGuy46: 11 votes, 79%

So, we now have on new SIT, SlyGuy46! Congratulations SlyGuy46! :)

Thus, ends our August SIT election. Be sure to check back for our next election...eventually ;).