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Darth Link?


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
I was playing TP the other day, and while in the fishing hole, it began to rain. I was just running around and my Master Sword (not yet fully powered, is now) started to glow red like a lightsaber! Is this a sign that Link will join the Dark Side? Just want to know if this has happened to anyone else?
First of all, "TP"? Were you like throwing toilet paper at Zant or something?

Second, what do you mean "fully powered" (because I just received the Master Sword).

Third, I'm willing to bet it's a glitch.
First of all, "TP"? Were you like throwing toilet paper at Zant or something?

Second, what do you mean "fully powered" (because I just received the Master Sword).

Third, I'm willing to bet it's a glitch.
1. TP=Twilight Princess
2. Something nifty happens to it later
3. Probably just a distortion of the leaves. The fishing hole changes seasons, and rain occurs most often in fall. The magic shimmer around the Master Sword is a light bending effect, and if you were in an area with a lot of red (fall leaves) it would be more red than white.
Hmmm...an interesting supposition though. What would Link be like if he turned evil? Oh wait, I've already given that a thought. :p

EDIT: I did have something similar happen to me, but not in the fishing hole, happened north of castle town, right at sunset. So yeah, lighting effect.
I've seen that happen it looks really cool. I thought it was like just my imagination. Looking at my walls to much so I just see red in things.
I think that a Darth Link would be a little to far ... now a son/daughter of link that became possesed by Gannon, thats another story *cough* *cough* ... don't ask.