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Epic Movie


The Webmaster
Well, I went out with some compadres of mine this weekend to see Epic Movie. Coming from the same prese as the Scary Movie series *let alone from the same filmakers* my expectations were very hig.

For the most part, Epic Movie lived up to my expectations. The film is simply hilarious, especialy if you've seen every movie it mocks. I was even in shock to see some recent films like Borat and Snakes on a Plain make it in. The only problem, most of the humor died down a bit about 45 minutes into the film. Many of the jokes just didn't feel as fresh or exciting. The beauty of the Scary Movie series was that every five minutes, another film would be thrown into the mix. Instead, the jokes have a cut out point up until another half hour in. After this half hour of...ugh, the movie gets far funnier again. I don't know how many people noticed this, but the line the "White Bith" says before trying to kill Peter is the same stated by Voldemort in book four :).

Overall, a great movie. Not from start to finish, although still enough to get you and your friends creeping out half the theatre. Although, it just didn't feel as full as the Scary Movie series, we have something new and fun to stare at for two hours.
I've seen so many comercials for it, and it looks HILARIOUS! Maybe I'll see it soon.
Most of the movie takes place in Gnarnia (silent G for legal purposes), which slowed down after a while. The beginning and end were excellent though, despite the slowdown in the middle. Definitely worth it.
I just saw it today. A very funny part was when Peter was dressed up as Superman and the guy shot him in the eye in slow motion. Instead of crushing the bullet on the surface(as in the original Super Man Returns) it goes right into his eye. Lol, omg his expression was so funny and then he falls off the building.

I do agree with you, ir was very funny at the begining, but died down later on in the movie. My favorite parts were Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I beleive that this movie was THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!

(I've always hoped a movie that made spoofs of a bunch of other movies would be made!)

What's sad is that it could've been a lot better with a few more movie spoofs, which it really had time for since it was about one and a half hours.

I think the funniest thing about the movie is that the talking beaver's name is HARRY BEAVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Every time the name was mentioned I burst into laughter, and no one else did after the first time...
Well, I might see it since everyone here thought it was good.

Also, welcome to the site Demoncrat7
He was saying stuff like "E plubris unum!" and the subtitles would say "Time for you to die foo!" So yes, you missed that. And I don't think there's a Latin word for Rick James.
Fantasy Epics : The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
War epics : Saving Private Ryan.
Romantic epics : The English Patient

All these are mine most favorite epic movies.