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Excitebike: World Rally


Deus Ex Machina
Nintendo announced on Monday that a remake of the original Excitebike for NES would be coming to WiiWare on November 9th.


I'm a bit excited for this. Excitebike, and the Excite series in general, is a good series. They've revamped the game with new graphics, a ranking system similar to ExciteTruck and ExciteBots, and other goodies such as optional motion controls and online play. They're keeping the track editor along with the original lay out of the game.

I'm a little apprehensive, though, because it is just a remake. Sure, its been awhile since we've seen a new Excitebike (we've seen new titles in the Excite series, but that's different), but they still have yet to release Excitebike 64 on the Virtual Console. And they've had new titles in the Excite series since the Wii came out. Where's the love for other old titles, like Pilot Wings, Balloon Fighter, Duck Hunt, and Kid Icarus?
I loved the old excitebike! That was such a great game. I'm looking forward to this remake making a mockery of my childhood memories.
That's really sweet! Out of the NES games I acquired in AC, I think I probably wasted more of my life playing EB than anything else. Better keep an out out, haha.
I didn't have it for the NES, but I had it on one of those home atari systems with the keyboard that you hook up to the tv. I remember playing that game from dawn to dusk. That, and Typing of the Dead. Oh and Galaga!
Uh, Excitebike was a Nintendo game. I don't even think it was pirated by any company to be on other systems...

That being said, I never had it for the NES either. I had played it on Animal Crossing and for the e-Reader. Ah, the e-Reader...
Actually, I don't recognize it. Never had much Atari stuff (my parents had a 2600, but sold/gave away/threw away it when I was young).

As for the game, it came out today. I can't get it cause my school doesn't have wifi in the dorms, and I don't have a LAN to USB converter to hook my Wii up to the 'net. So I wouldn't be able to download it till the weekend at the soonest. I will get it eventually, though.