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Review Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones


Hope Never Dies
Yay! Fire Emblem is fun!!! :D

Overview *slight spoilers*: After many years of peace, the world was well.....peaceful. :D But then, out of the blue, the Grado Empire launches a massive invasion against it's ally, Renais. The country is caought off guard, and the capital quickly falls... Princess Eirika is able to escape with General Seth, but he King remains, driven to find out what has caused this to happen.....

Sound - 9/10: The sound is very well done. I love the song that plays when the tide of battle turns to your favor, it reminds me of Wakiagaru Toushi in Naruto. (not the music, the concept) As Link said: "The song was catchy though! Doodoodoo, doodoodoo, doodoodoodoodoo, doo, doodoodoodoo(Saria's song)" The only thing missing is Together We Ride, from the original Fire Emblem. Now that what I call good MUSIC!!!

Graphics - 10/10: Some of the best you'll see on the GBA. EVER. I MEAN IT!!! The best you could ask for in a GBA RPG. I like how the paladins look, and their attack is cool too. It scares me how ugly they can make the wyverns look.....*fidget*

Gameplay/Replay Value - 8/10: Only for people who like RPG's. It's fun to level everyone up, unlock all of the ranks, customize everybody, and to unlock all of the extra characters by beating *certain parts of the game* Also, you customize, weaponry, class, how they evlove to better classes, whether the class up or not. There's always a lot to do in this game. The only complaint I have is that if someone dies, they're gone forever. It's not like you can give them a pheonix down, slap them in the face, and tell them to get the "f" up. It does add much more of a challenge and need for strategy, which is a good thing...

Story - 10/10: The story is a surprising one, which has many unexpected, and many excpected, twists and turns. I don't fell like putting one big spoiler tag here, so I will not say anything else.

*hint* It has to do with "the sacred stones" ;):p

Overall - 8.5/10: a great GBA game, so if your bored, get this game to spend a few or more hours on it while away from your Wiis, until you go back to playing TP (or in my case: TC: SO:D)
What I like about this Fire Emblem is that you're not limited in your leveling. You can continue playing after the end of the game, mainly to challange yourself to conquor the 10 levels of Lagdou Ruins. It lacks the commonality of arenas in its predecessor, but makes up for it with a map-based layout very similar to Final Fantasty Tactics Advance for those who've played it. Run-ins with roving monsters add a bit of flavor, especially when you spy one carrying a runesword or spear (both very rare).