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Review Halo2


Welcome to Halo2 Review!

Halo2 is a RPG about a team of marines and spartans fighting to save planets from the covenant, and also covenant fighting the brutes. This is a great game to play, challanging, fun, suspensiful, fun, fun, and errrrrr, fun :)

Halo2 is one of thoes games that at first glance you look and you think, ohhh, another war type game, wo ho.....But if you just took it home and did the first mission, you will see the full effects of the game! If the game looks bad to you, get it anyway!

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphix: 9/10
Charictors: 10/10
Voice Effects:10/10
Sound Effects: 10/10
Vehicle Details 10/10
Overall: 9.9/10

Please keep in mind that I am not good at describing things :p
Great, but isnt it a first person shooter. There aren't any rpg elements in it, either...
Ditto, an RPG is usually a turn-based or live-action game where you take the roll of certain characters and go in a certain direction. A shooter, however allows you somewhat free play as you can go through a level in any maner you wish. So Halo is definitely not an RPG.