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Ooh! Send me some chocolate! No, wait, that's Switzerland... I have a friend who moved to Switzerland over the summer. She should send me chocolate. Well, what do they have in Iceland? Heck, send me a block of ice.

Iceland, dear Ides Of March, is home to the language commonly called "Icelandic" and is essentially Old Norse. It is quite an amazing language.

an example of the language in an amazing Disney can be found here.

Iceland is the world's most developed country.
Iceland is also the Earth's 18th largest island.
The climate is subpolar oceanic.
Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, is the largest city and the world's most northern national capital.
Over 99% of the country's electricity is produced from hydropower and geothermal engergy.
Unfortunately, the economic crisis we are now in has hit Iceland hard.
Iceland is known for its fishing industry and alluminum production. Iceland is also looking into growing and exporting Bananas.