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He's back?!?!?!


Deus Ex Machina
For those of you who haven't already reliezed it, I am Dakare. I have come back from saving the world. Five times to be exact. Anyway this place has changed. More people, strange people, and Bob's odd, bad comb-over hair do. I just wanted to tell you all that I have returned. Yes, I have returned to the land that banished me, or rather the land that I banished myself from (long story). I am not as powerful as I used to be, however. Yes the powers of being the third admin are long gone to me. I will probably never have them again. Oh well. I might put in an application to be a modarator, though. So then you would have a reason to fear me again!
And you are...?
What do you mean?! I was the third admin back when this site first started but then Bob and I got in a fight and I've been gone for awhile. Now I'm back and I'm a worthless little Deku Scrub. But that's not the point. The point is you never knew how powerful I was back then. I was an ADMIN!!! But now I'm not. So sad.
And you are...?

What do you mean?! I was the third admin back when this site first started but then Bob and I got in a fight and I've been gone for awhile. Now I'm back and I'm a worthless little Deku Scrub. But that's not the point. The point is you never knew how powerful I was back then. I was an ADMIN!!! But now I'm not. So sad.

Yes, animaldude I'm not sure if you would know *registering April 05 hehe*. That, or you may have known him for a very short time :). He left in April 05 *I think it was April, Dakare correct me if I'm wrong :p*.
Dankeshun everybody. And for Bob, I do believe it was April 05, with the Godzilla out-break in Japan and all. Anyway, I do relize most of you don't know who I am so... whatever.
From the staff agreement ahem:

"Upon termination you agree to not release information concerning Zelda Sages secrets or information regarding the termination of yourselves or other staff members unless in conversation with membrs of the Zelda Sages staff. Zelda Sages, nor its webmaster, will disclose such information to non-staff members in favor of your right, and our own right, of privacy"

He won't tell ye in otherwords, just as none of us will :D. That was all in the past, and I think it best just to let that past go...as it wasn't very happy. We beleive in happy stories here...like about pie...:cool:
Welcome back me man... mhhmmmm pie...

Okay, so where is said pie? I'm starving.

You will have to forgive teddy, he has gone insane from animaldudes threats to assasinate him.:eek: Or maybe from lack of sleep.;) Or from Zombie Vampires from Dimension 57489-B.:rolleyes:

Or he was just eating some pie ... that could be true.:D

I only joined recently, but I have to say welcome back, and I wish you luck with going through the ranks.
  1. Yeah! the only one who ever truly keeped me in deep fear fo my life (Well my posting privliges at least) all shall fear him again one day but for now i have more power!!!!
lol yes, bob is right haha
anyway, welcome back, although you were here WAY before me haha.....