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It happened.

I...I simply can not comprehend such a thing...

If true, this guy should be given a medal, 72 virgins, etc etc.
There's a claim on the comments that he changed the video at one point because he was killed by an apple. And I wouldn't be surprised.
Somehow, I think that guy has WAY too much time on his hands. I guess the age old question of "Who would spend that much time playing a game" is answered.
Why does this have to be "I Want to be the Guy"? Why can't it be "I want to be the Non Gender Specific Great Persun"? All you men want to do is tell lies about how great you are. All women want to do is dumb themselves down for men. It disgusts me.

That being said, I've never been able to beat this stupid game :mad:
Oh gosh... "persun???" You seem like one of those politically correct people. I don't know anything about this game. I've never played it and I probably could not beat it. I'm a girl. This game title might have the word "guy" in it but I don't give a crap. Get over yourself. But not so much that you stop making fun of yoyolll.
Why does this have to be "I Want to be the Guy"? Why can't it be "I want to be the Non Gender Specific Great Persun"? All you men want to do is tell lies about how great you are. All women want to do is dumb themselves down for men. It disgusts me.

That being said, I've never been able to beat this stupid game :mad:

You're my favorite.