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Louisiana Justice Forbids Interracial Marriage


When considering this story, it is vital to remember that the judge in question is certainly not racist. How do we know this? Well, because he says so himself, obviously. I mean, he even says that he has black friends.

However, he might deserve some slack, to quote Indecision Forever:

"That said, I do begrudgingly have to admit that he's kind of right. Children from interracial marriages do get treated pretty shittily."
The woman who runs HR at the grocery store I work at while not at school is a member of an interracial couple. Both her children are Eagle Scouts, one attends Penn State and the other Rutgers, and both have evidently never had their interracial parents questioned.

How it is that one justice of the peace can think otherwise, well, that's something he needs to come to grips with.
Is this some kind of joke? Did this happen in the early 1900s? Really? Every time I think this country is set on the right track some bullshit like this fucks everything up. I can't believe this. I think that judge deserves a big
