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Metroid Prime 3 Videos Leaked *spoilers if you watch the videos ;)*


The Webmaster
Well, I was browsing YoutTube and just happened to come upon six lovely videos from Prime 3. These videos show the first hour of Metroid gameplay goodness.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

I could not really contain myself, so I watched them :). I must say, by looking at just the first hour into gameplay I can safely say that the Reginator's decision to give Retro more time was good....very very good! You'll notice that the first hour barely makes it through the first area, along with...well, I'll let you all find out for yourselves.

Now, out of what I will say that I do not consider spoilers if you don't want to watch the videos:
  • It seems MP3, though certainly not liner, will be a bit more structured, giving you objectives *along with physical text telling you that you have successfully completed an objective.
  • There seems to be an inclusion of mini-objectives, such as if you save a Galactic Federation trooper, you will receive an Xbox-ish reward notice displaying "GF Trooper Saved".
  • The ship is actively used throughout the game. Of course, only some functions are available in the ship at this point in the game, I have no idea if the functions will increase past being able to move a ship amongst different planet locations.
  • Dark Samus does not appear during this first hour other than in the opening cutscene, which everyone has already seen.
  • There is voice acting, lots of voice acting. Everyone, even the machine operator on the deck twisting a few knobs, speaks.
To show my emotions on the game at the present, I see no other way to express them other than that of a crazed fanboy on a public forum...so:

Oh crap! I knew I should've watched them yesterday -_- I was able to watch the first one b/c I had started watching it yesterday. But they were taken off because of copyright laws -_-
Ouh, that stinks hahahaha :D. Oh well, they'll show up somewhere. If not, the game is released in five days ;).

Samus will not speak, so says Nintendo. I should have probably mentioned that ;). Samus has never spoken a single word outside of the usual grunts of pain. Now, this does not mean the Dark Samus will not speak.

Edit: Looks like he reposted them. You will be able to access the movies via TwinlonEngines profile.
I've honestly never heard of a comercial game website wanting their content taken down from youtube, guess it happens though.