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Midnight Rules


"Whether it’s relaxing pollution control standards for power plants or allowing loaded weapons into national parks, the Bush Administration is scrambling to approve or change as many federal rules as it can before it hands off power to President-elect Barack Obama."

In an attempt to help the Republican party, the Bush administration has been mostly quiet during the election. However, after the election I was always expecting some last minutes action from the Bush administration. However, I was expecting these final actions to more greatly consist of pardons for many of the members of the administration (which I still believe are coming).

These stories, and the long lists of last minute executive orders greatly concern me. I have to wonder how much of Obama's agenda will be hampered by the heavy workload of undoing the final desperate death throes of the Bush administration. I am also depressed by the knowledge that many of actions, a large number of which are focused on removing enviromental protections and destroying regulation for big buisness, will, due to the long drawn out nature of the bureaucratic process, take years to undo, and will result in a great deal of damage in the intervening time.
I find really stupid that the leaving president normally does things like this. It's really a selfish move. You're supposed to be serving the country, not making it hard for the next guy to help the country.