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My Dead Computer

Capt. Zeroth

I might not be around for a bit or so... The reason? Well... I installed Service Pack 2 for my Windows XP laptop. Well, everything was fine. Here is a following conversation with my computer:

Comp: Well, Zach, instalation is complete. Wanna restart me now?
Me: Sure, Mr. C. I'd love to.
*i restart my computer*
C: Alright, Mr. Z, we're starting up. We're doin' fine.
Z: Good. I sure love you, Mr. C.
C: Please enter your password Zach.
Z: Sure. *typing* Lets log in!
C: Okay. We're having fun. Okay, your desktop BG is there. Good, your icons and menu bar. Okay, they flashed away momentarily, but are back. Must be a loading isue. Whoops. They disapeared again. Up! They are back. Heh heh...
Z:are you okay, computey?
C:Just fine *pant* Oops! The icons are gone... hehe... They are back now! Woo! Woa... they are flashing pretty fast... *gag*
Z: Mr. C? MR. C??!!
Z: MR. C!!!!!!
Z: MR. C!

What you have just read was the final conversation with my computer befor its death. A call with Dell and a few hours later confirms my hard drive will need to be reformated. I might not be around for a week or so.
I might not be around for a bit or so... The reason? Well... I installed Service Pack 2 for my Windows XP laptop. Well, everything was fine. Here is a following conversation with my computer:

Comp: Well, Zach, instalation is complete. Wanna restart me now?
Me: Sure, Mr. C. I'd love to.
*i restart my computer*
C: Alright, Mr. Z, we're starting up. We're doin' fine.
Z: Good. I sure love you, Mr. C.
C: Please enter your password Zach.
Z: Sure. *typing* Lets log in!
C: Okay. We're having fun. Okay, your desktop BG is there. Good, your icons and menu bar. Okay, they flashed away momentarily, but are back. Must be a loading isue. Whoops. They disapeared again. Up! They are back. Heh heh...
Z:are you okay, computey?
C:Just fine *pant* Oops! The icons are gone... hehe... They are back now! Woo! Woa... they are flashing pretty fast... *gag*
Z: Mr. C? MR. C??!!
Z: MR. C!!!!!!
Z: MR. C!

What you have just read was the final conversation with my computer befor its death. A call with Dell and a few hours later confirms my hard drive will need to be reformated. I might not be around for a week or so.

Anyway, that is really, really bad.
Er... If it just needs to be REFORMATED than you can do that yourself. I've done it before.
Well, I got my little disk sent from dell today and I hope to get what I can off of my computer before the reformating. Then I'll probably start the accual reformating tomorrow. I should be back on thursday.
what a coincidence... my computer was recently infected with viruses and in the past few days my dad has been trying to remove them... IT DIDNT WORK!!! I think i need to reformat my hard drive too...
what a coincidence... my computer was recently infected with viruses and in the past few days my dad has been trying to remove them... IT DIDNT WORK!!! I think i need to reformat my hard drive too...
Thats bad. Hope you get rid off the viruses

Also, what happened to your avatar.
Wooo! Zach is back! Mr.C says hello! I just need to install a few things like Flash! Woo! I'm exited! I am back! Har! Har!