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My Wii dilemna..

i am a teddy

I am trying to obtain a Wii.. Everywhere I go, it's sold out.... I just found one but it was 150 dollars overpriced, used, and came without Wii Sports -.- Needless to say, I shanked the owner...

So, my question to you all is, what should I do?
Here's how to get a Wii
  1. Call Walmart and find out when and how many Wiis they are getting in stock.
  2. Depending on the number, stand outside the store at around 4-5 AM and wait for it to open. Don't worry, other people will be there waiting with you.
  3. Purchase Wii.
As odd as that sounds, that's about the only way you can get a Wii without paying hundreds of dollars over the market price.