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"NEW" Super Mario Bros. wii


Honestly, this once new game of mario bros. has gone bad! I don't think any
of you have the same feelings on the game, but there are so many things that nintendo need to
improve on like when you get yoshi and you finished a level, yoshi waves good-bye to mario and
you move on! I mean, WTF is up with that!
Aight, I can't believe I never posted in this before.

First of all, I thought this game was amazing. The level layout was amazing, the graphics were really good, and a the multiplayer was well executed. Although I do disagree with the save feature (having to beat a castle to save), it is call New! Super Mario BROS. Wii, and even in Super Mario World you had to do that. That being said, it is based upon the Bros. games, not World or 64, or Galaxy, so they tried to make the experience very similar, thus the save feature being the way it is, Yoshi leaving, etc.

So the game did have it's downfalls, but overall I think it was an expertly executed game.
My brother has the game, but I haven't played it. Just the added Wii stuff alone looks to be enough for me to have fun with it though! I'm stuck away from home at the moment though, without a Wii, so I really don't have the opportunity to play yet QQ.
College, I assume? Well, when you get back make sure to play. Play it with your brother, if you can. It's so much more fun in multiplayer.
Yup, that's exactly it! I'll try though, my finals are over Friday of next week so I can actually go home for the first time since August. I didn't go home for Thanksgiving either, which was lame.

But, I'm excited to play!