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Oh wow that's incredible

I wish they would have a record for an actual cruel melee combat. Not one where they just make them fall off the stage over and over again using some stupid "strategy" and post it on youtube.
Hey if it works, it works. I mean that's pretty much how almost all of us beat Cruel Brawl. Just kept tricking the computers to falling off the stage
Exactly, that's what everyone does, it's nothing special. If it's going to be a record and you're gonna put it on youtube it should at least be a real fight.
Fine then yoyoll. You get a really high score on Cruel Melee of actual fighting, and take a picture of the end score. Or better yet, have someone over that can record it, and put it up so we all can watch it

And in other SSB news, here's a video of moveset swapping.


I swear Mr. Game & Watch reminds me of a Nazi with how his arm is, and Peach looks like a zombie from Half-Life