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pooie... here are some of the games:

needforspeed underground 2
medal of honer rising sun
all star baseball 04
f1 career challenge 04
and some others i forgot
how much would i get for those?
To save up for a Wii, I sold 24 of my 35 PS2 games. I don't feel like typing the prices, so here is a dandy little recipt:

As you can see, they sold from $4 to $19. Also at EB Games, for every 3 games you trade, you get an additional $10. If you put the money on store credit, you get 20% more than if you got it in cash. Also, if you have an EB edge card, bring that for yet another 10% more.

Hope that helps ;D
THANKS! i plan on using the money to get a wii but i have to get it at best buy because i won a $100 dollar gift card
well im bringing in a few ds games and gba games... i went on the site and it listed how much they would pay for some ds games. it didnt give the information on all games but it said to bring them to the store. They probably gonna buy your color games for like 2 cents.

btw... when u say u get 10 dollars for every 3 u trade in is that 10 in store credit or 10 in cash
ha ha....i was gonna sell my gamecube at the game place at the mall where i live haha......wow, 28 dollars.

i kno, every little bit counts

but still....
:) :p ;) :D :eek: _' _D _D _D _D _D _D. sorry im just so excited that this is my 200th post!!!!! w00t w00t!!!

Well since this is my 200th post i better make it memora-b-ble. Sorry im holding back tears... AHH:)')) AHH

Here I go:

I went to eb games tonite to trade in my old games and here are some of the games i sold and the prices and the total...

NfS underground for DS: 9.34
Medal of honor rising sun:5.33
Lord of the rings return of the king 6.33
StarWars: Clone wars 12.33
Mario and luigi partners in time 18.33 (most i got)

Those are just some and in total i got... dun dun dun dun: 139.50 i feel so happy :D

Then i put down 50 dollars for Twighlight Princess so all i have to do is pick it up when it comes out :D
Bob, can I ask you two things?(that was the first one) If you weren't webmaster (but thank god you are, oh great and powerful master of the web), what rank would you be? Just wondering.
Bob, can I ask you two things?(that was the first one) If you weren't webmaster (but thank god you are, oh great and powerful master of the web), what rank would you be? Just wondering.

I'd be a Hyrulian Hero :). Old man Bob doesn't post too much becuase he spent his life working on ZS... Although...I did give a link to the exact page in the FAQ where the ranks are listed :p.

Ok, back on topic folks :).
Dont close it.. It is a breeding ground for new thoughts and feelings...:D Btw Bob, what would myyy rank be? i have the second most posts... u still beat me
its a breeding ground for thoughts about ebgame trade in values... I LOVE EB GAMES NOW AND WANT TO GO THERE EVERY SINGLE TIME I BUY A GAME. eb games has just earned its way onto my signature.
its a breeding ground for thoughts about ebgame trade in values... I LOVE EB GAMES NOW AND WANT TO GO THERE EVERY SINGLE TIME I BUY A GAME. eb games has just earned its way onto my signature.
I agree, as if I had a chance (or the money), I'd probalbly buy EB Games and take one of every game (especially Zero Wing) ever created and just play nonstop with my friends. Alas, I do not have either requirement.