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Stick RPG (Mature content)


Deus Ex Machina
So a few years back when I was still in middle school, I used to play a free flash game called Stick RPG. I would play it for hours on end and have so much fun with the bar fights, robbing stores, making money, working out, and even studying. Now I have found it again. This time, however, I found the finished version of this game. With lots more stuff to do, including a fun "drunken darts" minigame, this game has got me addicted again. If you want to play this fun game, go to http://www.xgenstudios.com to play it. If you've already played it, feel free to comment here. Xgen Studios also has lots of other fun flash games ( all for free, of course) to play, such as Fishy, Defend your Castle, and Drag Racer V3.
I remember that game. I made millions after becoming CEO of the company that I started at a week ago, robbed the bank 100 times, and got in 1000 Bar Fights.
Yeah...I remember this...I got bored of robbing the bank after doing it twice, so I went into the drug sale business :p
o man memories. computer class in middle school playing games instead of doing real computer stuff thanks to an incompetent computer teacher

I loved stick rpg but after a while it was boring. like after you rob a bank 10 times or become ceo theres not much else to do but barfight. lol there were drugs and guns and robbery. i loved that game.