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Review Super Mario Sunshine


Hope Never Dies
Ah........a nice island vacation where Mario can FINALLY relax, how nice. What the heck am I saying?!? of course everything goes horribly, horribly wrong!:D

Sound/Voice Acting - 8/10: Not much music variety... no voice acting except for Mario shouting whenever you jump, Peach is irritating, and our other special guest..... Music can get VERY repetitive and annoying VERY quickly.......

Graphics - 7/10: They're good for a GCN game, otherwise not very impressive. Though you can tell almost immediately that it's a Mario game right by looking at it...I'm still debating wheter that is a good thing or bad...;)

Gameplay - 9/10: Very innovative. You use the F.L.U.D.D. (Flash Liquidiser Ultra Dousing Device), to clean up and amazingly save Princess Peach! I know, how can a water bottle save Peach? You'll have to buy the game to find out;) It has 4 diferent modes: Spray, Hover, rocket, and Turbo. Spray sprays, hover uses water which allows you to hover for a few seconds, rocket shoots you REALLY high, and Turbo well, makes you go really fast. Jumping on the heads of Piantas never gets old, especially on the hotel level.:D My personal favorite part of gameplay? YOSHIS!!!!!!!!!!! It's so fun to spit up juice on innocent piantas:) Not much else to say, the missions can be annoying beyond belief.... that's it

Story - 10/10: Very original!!! Mario and Peach go to Isle Delfino for some R&R, but there is something sinister at work... Peach is then almost kidnapped, but Mario saves her...then, she's kidnapped, and this time, you didn't save her, so, uh, yeah. It's time to kick some @$$. Let's Go. You run around a villiage, go through portals, and go through an entire story to save Peach. AGAIN!!!!! Though this seems to be the case in the majority of Mario games, this story stands out easily compared to the others.

Overall - 8.5/10: This game is refreshing after the other Mario games, with it's innovative gameplay, and good story leading the pack while bringing up sound and graphics. Not a must-buy, but a very good game nonetheless
Good review, but the sound section was a bit unexpected. While the VA was pretty mundane, the music was great as is the norm for Mario games, and this game beat Metroid Prime for the Best Music award for NP 2003. (That was actually the only category that MP was nominated that it didn't win.)
Hmmm.....It was ok, just, it got, well..........very repetitive! Ah well, the only song that I like listening to a lot is the "remix" of the original overworld theme, now higher than it was...

P.S. I think my CoD 2: BRO review is longer too.....