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Review Team Fortress 2 (PC)


Yes I know that you can purchase The Orange Box and get Half-Life 2 Episode 2, TF2 (Team Fortress 2) and Portal all in one box, but I'm just going to review the Team Fortress 2 game.

Graphics: 9/10 - The graphics for this game are amazing, and it's mainly due to the cartoony art style that Valve went with. The characters look amazing, and the animation is very fluid. The art style that they went with actually helps the game, by making it very easy to tell which certain enemy class is coming at you, and to be able to spot them from a distance. The two team bases, RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) and BLU (Builders League United) each have a distinct feel, such as the RED base having more calmer tone of colors, more right angle paths, and in one map, 2fort, their base looks like a barn. The BLU side on the other hand, has darker shades of colors such as blue, more octagonal angled paths, and their bases have a more industrial feel and look.

Audio: 8/10 - The audio for this game is very nice, but it doesn't come from background music. TF2 has VoIP, so you can easily communicate to your whole team at the push of a button. The characters themselves have a lot of different pre-programmed actions, such as calling out to request healing, or to alert of an enemy. Also, each class has a different voice, such as the Heavy Weapons guy having a Russian accent, to the Demoman having a Scottish accent, to the Pyro not even having an accent, but his voice being muffled by his gas mask. The weapons sound very good as well, with each weapon having distinct sounds, making it easy to tell what class is just around the corner.

Gameplay: 10/10 - I love this game. No questions asked. TF2 has 3-4 play modes, including essentially a CTF and a territory mode. However, the territory mode is different, in that each team starts with 1-2 points, with 1 neutral point in between. The action can get very frantic regardless of the gameplay mode. You'll find yourself constantly checking your teammates for spies by shooting them quickly (A lot of servers have FF off, so you can't hurt your allies) or by strategically setting up your Engineers sentry gun to kill enemies. If both teams are good, games can go on for hours, with neither side giving in. Each class feels very different than the last, such as the Scout being able to double-jump and run very fast, to the Soldier, who runs more slowly, but has more HP and can rocket jump to reach higher areas. And let's not forget the Spy, who can turn invisible for 10 seconds, disguise himself as an enemy, and has a one-hit-kill backstab. But nothing beats running into an enemy Spy who is disguised with YOUR screenname (and then killing him and thinking about the fact that you just killed yourself)

Extras: 8/10 - This game has some extras, but they're mainly minor things. One of the extras is Achievements, which you can unlock by completing certain objectives, such as Obtain 25 headshots, or Light 5 enemies on fire in 30 seconds. You will find yourself completing these objectives mostly by accident, but it can be fun to try to unlock them all. Another small thing is that the game tracks your individual stats, so you can see with which class you stayed alive for the longest for example, or which class you used to deal the most damage. One of the biggest extras, is your "Nemesis" which is if someone kills you a lot, they will be called your Nemesis, and will have a little icon above their head. If you manage to kill them while they are your Nemesis, you get extra points for killing them, and for them being your nemesis.

Overall: 9/10 - This game is amazing. Whether you purchase this game for the PC or XBOX 360, you will not be disappointed. It's fun to try out each class, to learn all their tricks and secrets, and then to decide on which class is best suited for your gameplay style. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to playing this game.