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Temporary Co-Webmaster


The Webmaster
Hey everyone, just a quick update.

With ZG gone, the search for a new Co-Webmaster continues. As I've stated, it will be some time before the application period is over. So, with the current lack of a Co-Webmaster, Windmage has agreed to step in as the ZS Temporary Co-Webmaster. Windmage will hold the same duties and authority as the Co-Webmaster until we can find a replacement for ZeldaGuardian.

In addition, his skills will be put to the test the week of July 15. I will be away from July 15-21 *what fun, I'm away until Deathly Hollows is released :p*. So, for that week, Windmage will be in charge of Zelda Sages.

That's all for now, enjoy yourselves, I'm off to work ;).