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The Story of Lilith and Cain


Conspiracy Theorist
Lilith was the first wife of Adam. Adam tried to make her lay on the bottom while having sex. She refused male dominance and fled from the Garden of Eden to the Red Sea where she became a lover of demons and produced 100 babies a day. God slayed her children. She gained power from their blood.

Abel's blood cried from the ground to God. God cursed Cain, laid a hideous mark upon his face, spurned him from the sunlight, forced him to live in isolation. Cain could not farm anymore, he wasn't hungry for food. He lived off the innocents blood. Lilith met Cain. She taught him how to use his blood as power.

Lilith's story was removed from the Bible, perhaps made as an excuse to cover up the mistake of Creation in Gen 1 and Gen 2.

Is it possible Lilith the lover of Satan and Cain the damned were the first vampires?
This is the fan based vampire history (not reliable at all):
Notice Caine is spelled with an E.

This is the mythological Lilith story:

This is a scientific approach, regarding "vampyres" as a "deviant cult of purely human beings":

This is a very interesting and creepy site which offers some very good Biblical information:

Keep in mind, most vampire information you find on the internet will be based off video games. These are to be avoided as they are not reliable in the least bit. Many cultish organizations also have their own beliefs up on the internet about vampires. These are more dangerous than you may think so try not to get involved, however some are very informative.


By the way, how would the whole "forced to walk the earth" and "be under the protection of god" work for Cain then?

Anyway, it's all about Enoch. God essentially proclaimed that Enoch was the best person in the history of the world, because he is the only one that not only avoided death, but also was so awesome that God actually let him be around him, when all others were visited by Angels. Enoch actually got to be in the presence of God.



By the way, how would the whole "forced to walk the earth" and "be under the protection of god" work for Cain then?

Anyway, it's all about Enoch. God essentially proclaimed that Enoch was the best person in the history of the world, because he is the only one that not only avoided death, but also was so awesome that God actually let him be around him, when all others were visited by Angels. Enoch actually got to be in the presence of God.

Umm no it's actually not about Enoch at all. Enoch had nothing to do with this and took no part in any of it. Caine was under the protection of God until he refused God's mercy three times to be with Lilith. It's on the fourth link I put up, maybe you should have read it before you posted something stupid that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Vampires, lol.