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We may be getting new TP info soon...what do you want?

TSA (from thehylia.com) said we'll be getting a new wave of TP info by the end of the year. Although I believe him to be credible I'd like to ask you what you all think the new info will be? A new trailer or screenshots, perhaps? More character art (maybe a picture of TP Ganon!) or some game info? Or..a release date (I wish.)?

So what do we think? What do you want to see?
I wouldn't be certain exactly as to what it may be although I know TSA is very close to Nintendo. It is probably being given because they did delay the game on us so we deserve a bit more information ;), however I'm not sure if it will be another trailer or simply a long article. Whatever it is we'll have it :D.
Maybe a new trailer, or something? Or maybe some new screenshots?;) Maybe some of the capital of Hyrule? Well, I'm sure many are thinking that the town screenshots are of the capital, but I doubt it. The people on those screenshots are humans, not Hylians.