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Whatever happened to ...?


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
The colored version of the Wii's (ie. A wii that is a different color? Please people, that is what I mean.)? Anyone noticed besides me that their has been no new about a Wii that is a different color than white, since what, the LAST E3?
When producing them, they decided to make them white because it was one uniform color for everything and would be quicker to make.
Yea, but I think with the still high demand for the Wii, they need to produce them fastly.
The problem resides in that Nintendo expected the response to the Wii to be pretty big, although never in a million years expected to see the huge outpouring they have experienced. There are still, even less known dealers, that take in Wiis and sell them out the moment they are in the store. So, for mass production purposes, Nintendo is forced to continue the uniform color.

Like the DS, which had a single color for about a year or so if memory serves me correctly, more colors will come. Heck, maybe we'll see news of such colors next week at E3 ;).
Yeah, I heard in Japan the Wii outsells the PS3 6 to 1... Yeah I hope this and much more comes from E3... I'm trying to get everything recorded on my DVR
hmm do they have wii skins? i know they have like sleeves for the wiimotes but do they have wii skins? but im thinking they would get in the way of doors of the gamecube controller ports....my door broke :)'))
I'm still not surprised that the Wii is having to be churned out en masse. I don't think my town has a single Wii, and maybe has had 6 total this year in stores. And that's a high end guess.