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White and Nerdy

I love that song. The music video is funny too, especially when he gives his mom a extension cord for a Christmas present.
I know... who in their right MIND give an extension cord for christmas?!?!? NERDS!!! I like the part where he is in the back alley, and pays some *racial term censored* gangster guy for the Star Wars Holiday Special.
Oh man dude, I have that song on my iPod and computer. The music video is so funny, the first time I saw it I almost died laughing. Lol, an extession cord for Christmas. And I still remember the look on his mom's face!
Straight out of Lynnwood *spell check* is the name of the CD. I also want Canadian Idiot on it. That's funny too...then again, ANYTHING Weird Al is funny...:)
It is a great song, but this is a good song too. It's also nice for once to see someone NOT dissing (or trying to senselessly murder) americans.
Other good songs from him include: Hardware store, Ebay, Ode to a Superhero, Amish Paradise, the saga begins, ah...too many to name