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Wierdest Zelda Cut-Scene Ever *spoilers*


The Webmaster
I remember a short while ago there were many people that wanted to see the really creapy cut-scene directly before the Lakedbed Temple. After much waiting, someone threw it up on Youtube :D. You can view it here


For those of you not beyond this point in Twilight Princess yet, I recomend you not watch this scene. It is really something that will make you roll over in circles. In other words, it's far better to experiance it first hand. If you really want to spoil yourself though...view away :).

*Just a note, as a spoiler warning is in the title you do not need to use the spoiler tag in this thread*
I have to say that that cut-scene actually scared me. Partly because of the content, but also partly because it reminded me of some scenes from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.