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World Of Warcraft

This thread is just for those of us who play world of warcraft, and of course i no that more then half of us do. Just post a little about your toon, the rhelm, and his name. I am not a geek, even though animaldude thinks i am, but i am really just pathetically bored.
mines all on
DAGGERSPINE- Junier........24 mage
SilentPain...19 Rogue
I've heard it's fun, but that it sucks you in, so that you end up playing for weeks at a time...frightening...

oh, could someone move this to the pc section? Thanks :D
Yeah, my brothers play it and they always say corny things related to it. I don't like it, pesonally, but to each their own.
I've heard it's fun, but that it sucks you in, so that you end up playing for weeks at a time...frightening...

oh, could someone move this to the pc section? Thanks :D
Yay! I moved it... that's the first time i've moved a thread =)

This game is the same as Runescape or any other MMORPG. The only differene is it's prettier and it costs $15 dollars more
I've heard it's fun, but that it sucks you in, so that you end up playing for weeks at a time...frightening...

oh, could someone move this to the pc section? Thanks :D

it does suck u in but believe me, its probably better then most games. it has a great story line, graphics, and enoguh people play it to change the gaming experience every time.