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X-Play reviews Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Hope Never Dies
Fresh from the onion patch, It's Adam Sessler, and Morgan Web!

Welcome to X-Play, I was bored and decided to go on G4TV.com, and checkout some random stuff, cuz noone is replying to my threads lately...............so I have nothing to post such as now! As I looked at the homepage, I saw a Red Steel review, which had a 3 out of 5, I didn't care, so I looked and saw that they reviewed TP. I'll let u see it for urselves.......


Remember, you need to scroll down and find the review yourself, (it's on the 2nd page) it doesn't have a direct link (get it? Link? Man I'm really bad at this...............I should just stick to blathering on about random c*** like I always do..........
Yup, a 5/5, I wouldn't expect anything less :D. I'm actually almost done with the Twilight Princess review for ZS, which does contain a few spoilers that I had to throw in for gameplay demonstration. I'll watch the Xplay review again and take ideas mwahahaha:p
Well, considering it was their favorite game from E3 05 and E3 06, a 5/5 makes sense.
Most Definately!:D Though I'm smart (lol) I have difficulty with most of the puzzles in LoZ games, so when I get a Wii, I'll be using your guide whenever I get stuck.......................which will be most likely a few hours into the game.......or less......................................................................I'm "game-savvy" though I just am only "pretty good" at LoZ... :( :eek: :( :p :(