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Xenoblade Chronicles 3


I haven't posted in a while, and everything looks shiny, so hey guys long time no see!

Anyway, anyone plan on picking up Xenoblade 3 for Switch on/about the 29th? I might be in the minority, but I actually really loved Xenoblade Chronicles 2 much more than Xenoblade Chronicles.

I think the revamped class system looks cool, and story-wise I think Nintendo can do a lot with the "10 years and you die" arc. Really dystopian.

Just picked it up and started playing. I'm about 6 hours in and thus far really enjoy it. I'm not entirely sure how the story arc will turn out, but as someone who played XB 1 and 2 (and X but....didn't really like X) there's clearly a lot they are drawing from the worlds of XB 1 and 2.

For those who finished XB 1 and 2

All that to say - so far so good! Really enjoyable game.