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Zelda Sages Hibernation FAQ

Learn more about the Zelda Sages hibernation and what it means for the community.

This page was previously a thread, although given the need to mkae periodic announcements I thought it best to simply create a separate page. I can update these FAQs from time to time as questions arise, but this is where we stand as of now.

If you've visited the main site you'll probably see that I've put everything into a sort of "hibernation". What does this all mean exactly? Although there haven't been active updates on the site for several years, I'm effectively making it "official" that Zelda Sages won't be actively updated in the future. I've created a few FAQs about that.

Q: Does this mean Zelda Sages in dead?
A: Well, not "dead" in the sense Zelda Sages is disappearing from the internet. I will regularly maintain the website, apply security patches, and I'm setup for notifications in case someone goes rouge on the boards. What this DOES mean is we won't actively change our site content or allow new user registration, without request, in the forums. You're all welcome to use the forums.

Q: Why did you decide to do this?
A: A litany of reasons, but the most important being I simply don't have the time and frankly the passion to do this anymore. Or, at least not right now. I've been at it for 20 years. I started Zelda Sages as a teenager, if you can believe it. Much of the writing still reflects that. I have a family, other responsibilities, etc.

Q: Why not sell Zelda Sages so someone else can continue the site?
A: I've had offers in the past, and I am both flattered and grateful for them. Even though I never pursued them, they all really meant a lot. I think my hesitation comes from two points. One: this is my baby. My slightly content-lacking, but fun, baby. Second: I still have the free for life G Suite hooked up to Zelda Sages, and I use it other sites. Giving up ZS also means giving up free G Suite...

Q: Will Zelda Sages ever come back?
A: Sure, maybe one day? Who knows. Maybe one of my kids will love The Legend of Zelda and be inspired to continue on. Maybe when I retire if the internet still is a thing! Never say never. I'll also point out that the forum will still be here for whoever wants to use it.

Q: Why didn't you keep the main site the way it was?
A: Long story short, security and longevity. Zelda Sages ran on a CMS solution called Subdreamer. It was a little finicky for sure, but it by far offered the best forum software and site integration of anything I've used. Literally, plug in a few variable and go - that's it. No funky bridges or same database nonsense, it just worked. Well, Subdreamer had a few missteps with changing owners and the company went belly up around 2017. It won't run on anything newer than the PHP 5 series, and I wasn't going to let an application just waiting for someone to exploit it live on the server. I've transferred the majority of content that existed on the old site to a new CMS that will suit just well. It's not as Zelda-ish, I just haven't wanted to invest the effort developing a new skin, but the content is generally there. I've done my best to preserve what I can from the main site, but I do still have the old site database. So, if anyone needs something from the main site (not sure what because most interaction was here) let me know and I'll pull it.

Q: If you're not actively developing ZS, can you make me a [sage/mod/etc] on request? Please?
A: No, sorry. People who have these ranks will retain them, but nothing new. That wouldn't really be fair. Maybe if I'm feeling generous and sufficiently bribed I can make your day...but no guarantees.

Q: What are you going to do now?
A: I have a few family projects. I still enjoy keeping up with web standards, and I'm using all the great things I learned with Zelda Sages to help my extended family safely interact with each other online. Other than that, work, enjoying time with my family, etc. I've had a lot happen to me, especially in the last five years (including almost dying - seriously like I wasn't married yet and a social worker tracked down my next of kin just in case after I got sent to the hospital). Living life to the fullest, or at least the best I can.

Q: Last question. Of all the names you could pick, why use Webmaster Bob?
A: Well, I really am Bob...and I'm the webmaster. It honestly just came to me one day. I was discussing my site creation plans with my best friend, and we thought it would be pretty humorous if I picked a name like "Webmaster Bob" as my pseudonym. It seemed a fine pick. Many of my friends still call me "Webmaster Bob" as a kind of nod to the past...or a joke, I can't be sure.

Anyway, if you all post things I'll certainly be around to say hello. I am still doing maintenance and security here after all. Nevertheless, until next time...
