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Surviving 2020 and 2021


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
Hello everyone, I am The Great Sage... Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages...

It's been a wild ride over the last 2 years, since the last previous post here. We went from enjoying our everyday normality to being completely shut down due to a "virus" with a 99% survival rate. But I will get into that nonsense in another thread, not here...

So, what has everyone been up during this time?? I've been keeping myself busy with work (gained a second job, part time, as a pizza delivery person), along with still playing my normal games and waiting for Skyward Sword HD to come out in July. Been streaming on Twitch and still recording videos for my YouTube channel. But enough about that, how has everyone else been doing during these times?? What have you done to keep yourself occupied and alive?? Let me know down below.