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  1. M


    Want to hear a joke? POST IT HERE. Will you remember me by the end of the day? Yes Will you remember me by the end of this week? Yes Will you remember me by the end of the month? Yes Knock Knock Who's there? I thought you would remember me!? Magicman Can someone please post a joke. I dont...
  2. M

    PC games

    I have a Alien Ware laptop and le me tll you, if you want to play a intense game there is no other way then to play it on a alien ware. This laptop is like no other because it actually works.
  3. M

    Review Marvel Ultimite Aliance

    Marvel Ultimite Aliance This game is really good. I did the wrong thing and let my friend put in a couple of cheats. Now the game stinks and is much more boring. This is because of the one touch kill. You can not do any combos or show off your attacks. Espially since he made...
  4. M


    Can anyone please help me with this game? I have put in cheat codes for powers, money, and to unlock everybody. I have gotton up to the Atlantis level and can't defeat Krakon. I have gotton to the point where I knocked down 2 of the pillars. This helped so far but I can't do anything past this...