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It's not also the kind of tat you get or the design... It's the thrill of getting one. As soon as your skin in being attacked by that needle a thousand times a second, it gives you a reason to continue getting more. Once you have that first tattoo, you start drawing or finding more designs and wanting/planning them where they can/should go.

Do you have any piercings, Windmage? My left ear is pierced.
hey, if its exilerating to get a tatoo, imagine how exilerating it would be to make a tatoo gun and tatoo yourself? i think ill put that one on my to do list...
Wow, that does sound exhilarating! Know what else gets your adrenaline pumping? Suicide! Tattoo's are generally useless in my personal opinion.
I currently have 7 tattoos. Two that most know, which are the Black-Heart tattoo and the Heartless Tattoo. The five new ones??

"The Great Sage" - The main character of my Books. This is a name that I have finally achieved, for a long time now. It's a powerful Sage that once commanded The Seven Sages.

"ZeldaGuardian" - The name I created many years ago. A name that I have always used when I create any Strategy Guide or anything I know should have copyrighted to me.

"The Kottonmouth Kings Logo" - A rap-group that listened to. Me and Krimson05 had the honor of meeting the group and actually smoking weed with them. It was a great time and it was a free tattoo.

"Heart-lock Tattoo" - I got this Heart-Lock Tattoo because it's a two-piece tattoo. I have that Heart-Lock Tattoo and my fiancee has the Key Tattoo. It was her idea and it was done by Krimson05.

"Triforce with Wings" - I actually got the Triforce with Wings on my back, as a full back tattoo. I got branded as the Royal Family Member (though I was already one, lol). You can see it on my Profile Picture. It took two sessions.

I plan on getting a few more, then calling it done.