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Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
I like the Avatars that we already have on the site (go Sephiroth), but come on, 11 Zelda Avatars and 5 Final Fantasy Avatars. Needs more avatars than 16, even if you can make your own (might I suggest Mario Avatars, Star Fox Avatars and Megaman Avatars (these are clssic games, you can't argue against that)).
I think he means can we make and use our own avatars.

I believe the answer to that is: You may... if you are a mod :(

I have a custom avatar because once I was a mod, but upon my demotion :)(), my avatar was never changed back (dont tell bob).
No, as stated in the Registration Agreement, you can have your own avatar, however you must send it to a moderator for them to put in your account for you :). If you change your avatar though, you'll end up deleting your custom avatar. You can upload your own avatar whenever you want, without moderator assistance, once you reach the rank of Hyrulian Hero :).
Via email i supose. or you could post it here!

Speaking of which, I have an animated GIF that I'd like to use. Who should I send it too? Posting an image directly into the forum doesn't seem to animate the GIF.