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Zeldasages: the history


Deus Ex Machina
I did not put this in the Site Suggestion topic because I have a feeling Bob would disapprove of what I would do with it. But I have an idea of making Zeldasages: The History. If Bob approves this story would go back to the Xpage days of Zeldasages and follow it all the way to present day, including those odd twists and turns, such as my own story. If it became a whole section, we could have subsections about different things such as the break down of ranks and the heirarchy, as well as the history of Zelda itself. If it did happen, I would work closly with Bob and we would establish a history worthy of textbooks!!!! Anyway, those who do not know their own history are doomed to repeat it, so Bob might as well approve.
I moved this because,
#1. Well, it is a suggestion :D and
#2. i think its a wonderful idea, and needs to be read here as a suggestion for bob to see.


Actually, this is an awesome idea :). I have no problem throwing in history. I'll put it on the to-do list in a project that's going on behind the scenes.
:eek: Bob has a big "to do" list!

Dont forget to me down as Teddy's cousin, one of the earliest joinererers, and (not to brag) but the highest poster! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA
Wow I *sniff* truely did not *sniff* think everyone would like it so much.

*gets handed roses and tiara*

This is the happiest day of my life!!! *cries and thanks everyone*
hee hee good thing i put it in the suggestions ^_^

bob, id be happy to work on some of it :D
I would like to contribute to this.
... Bwhahah! Like I contribute! Hahaha... I tried once... (don't forget that in the history)
Sounds great, I'd be happy to help as my list of things to do is currently still empty