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Guardian of Ice

I, Guardian of Ice, have lived a life behind different masks, each one expressing some thing that isn't me... the real me. I have lived in tradition on taking the task of being the Guardian of the Ice elemental. However, switching between masks, I have been trapped in between light and darkness... and I didn't know which one to take. I was killed during that time that I didn't know which one to choose... however, the light brought me back, for now, I was destined for the light... for the real me

Reading, practicing with my swords, magic, drawing skills and music.. also martial arts
Jun 20, 1991 (Age: 32)
With my Great Sage...
Favorite Legend of Zelda Game
Legend of Zelda Oracle of the Seasons
Other Favorite Games
Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, Castlevaina, Baten Kitos, Soul Calibur 2, Tales of Symphonia, Super Smash Bros. Meele, Fire Emblem, Star Ocean, .Hack series, Yu Yu Hakusho games, Xeno Saga, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Snap (only when I'm extermely bored)


"I am the light side of the coin. What makes you think you can fuse me with my dark side?"- The Great Sage's Apprentice, Shadow

"A Strategy Guide is another word for spoilers. You use the guide to help you, but you're ruining the chance of finding out for yourself."- ZeldaGuardian




  1. 10

    Heart Container

    Your content has been liked 50 times. You must be posting some fantastic stuff!
  2. 5

    I Like it Like That

    You've received at least 15 likes on your content. Keep posting great stuff!
  3. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  4. 3

    Slightly Bigger Quiver

    You've posted 25 messages on the forums. Legal reasons prevent us from giving you a real quiver, but, enjoy!
  5. 50

    Hylian Pioneer

    This trophy was awarded to all Pre-2013 Zelda Sages members. Not only are they totally awesome, they have this nifty trophy to show for it.
  6. 5

    One Month Anniversary

    You've been a registered member of the community for one month. Happy anniversary! 5pts.
  7. 3

    Dawn of the Second Week

    You've been a member of the community for one week. Keep coming back for more!
  8. 2

    First Message

    You made your first post. Congratulations!